How will you define the word love. We all will have different opinions and all our answers are correct. Love is a very small word but has wide and different meanings. Love is not optional, it is essential. We need love in every stage of our life. From our birth to death and after death. We receive love, we give love, sometimes we even lose love. Many of us don't even believe in love, many of us do not express love. But we should all realize that love is the only thing that keeps us all together.
Every second of our life we experience love. Your parents earn for you, do everything to make you happy. Why? 'cause they LOVE you. Your friends try to make you happy, because they LOVE you. You fight with your siblings, because we LOVE them. Your man treats you like a queen, because he LOVES you. Every stage we need love. Love is the root cause of the smiles on our face. It is something that affects all other emotions in us. When we are loved, we are happy. When we lose love, we feel sad maybe frustrated. It is the reason of success, reason and cause of disasters and every beautiful things in this world.
The purest form of love is a mother's love. From the moment we are born, there is only one person after God who can love us for our scars and it is our duty to love her back with our heart.The only man who can love us beyond our beauty is our father. Don't even get me started with my dad. Maybe I should call him my best friend. That man says yeahhhh to every shit I do😅. To be honest he is the coolest dad ever😜.
Love is not a feeling, it is an emotion. It is something we all have. It is something that can not be taken away. If love is a feeling, then it is not love, it is lust. Lust is a terrible thing. To all the people reading this, please do not fake love. Faking love will put us all into a deep hole called depression and it is very hard to get out of it. Let us all write a letter to love.
Dear Love
You have different faces, different meanings. Teach us what you mean, teach us to love everyone, be kind to everyone. Teach us how to destroy lust. You bring happiness to the world, peace to the world. Bring calmness and peace to my heart. Don't hurt my heart, 'cause it is not strong. Afterall you are an emotion, a master emotion, that can not be taken away.
From Life.
Stay home. Stay safe. Stay happy.
Hi anagadh I am great fan your blog ...Your way thinking and writing are awesome dude.. Anyway keep going man