Do you have a perfect plan about your life? Well most of you will be laughing at yourself. If you have a plan, that is great. To be honest I don't even have a "pla.."(obsessed with F.R.I.E.N.D.S) let's talk reality. Let's talk about the "the art of getting what you want". Now this is a very hard art. It something that we create in ourselves. We all have difficulty in choosing the path in our lives. One of the toughest decision I had to take was my 11th grade stream. I thought of taking something else but ended up taking what I really wanted. Now this is not because "the big guy" has a plan for me or not because my parents told me to. 

Self realization is what made me choose what I want. When I was a child, I had two career options in my  mind. One doctor and a teacher. But I ended up wanting something else. This is what I call "the development of conscience". What is conscience? Conscience is something that tells us what to do in a certain situation. It is not something we inherit or learn from others. It is something we gain when an error occurs in our lives and we correct it. Our conscience and our decisions make us a good and a successful person. 

The art of getting what you want is from this conscience. What you want to do with you life is something that you decide. My soul has been living in my body for 16 years and I am the only one who knows me very well. You are the one who know who you are. When you take a decision, talk to yourself first. Ask yourself, "What do I get if I do it", "What will I be if I do it". These are the questions you ask to your conscience. The answers you get from your conscience maybe wrong or maybe right. 

Development of our conscience is something that we should do everyday. We feed ourselves everyday to stay healthy. It is important to feed our conscience with good thoughts. Good parenting can always help in the development of one's conscience. Ones our conscience is trained and developed, we will know what we really want in our lives. When our conscience is developed, our decisions will be always right. We will know how to handle any situations in our lives. Think about it. Ask yourself "How developed is my conscience?". Stay home. Stay safe. Stay happy.


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